Gardens can bring your property to life. John's Landscape Service, Inc. provides excellent care for your gardens as well as your lawn. Our expert garden services include:
Weeding: Weeding of mulched beds, driveways, patios, walkways and street gutters. Weed deterrent may be applied. (Weeding is scheduled on an as-needed basis from May through October; generally two to three times per month.)
Bed preparation: Beds are weeded, edged and rough-raked. (Bed preparation is included with mulch service.)
Mulching: Beds are prepared (weeded, edged and rough-raked) and your choice of mulch is spread throughout. Color selections include:
- Bark: (Our most popular) Natural rich brown color
- Black forest: black color
- Playground Mulch
Relocation of plants and shrubs: We work with you to properly relocate and transplant your valuable plants and shrubs throughout your property to ensure survival and prevent overcrowding.